The Prayer That Changes The World
Daryl speaks on how the prayer that changes the world needs to of...
We Belong To A Body
Daryl speaks on how when Jacob was wrestling with the angel in Genesis...
Turn Back In
Lin speaks on how we need to become childlike and turn back into our...
Keep To The Call
Daryl speaks on how our identity is not in being persecuted but in...
Remember Jesus
Daryl speaks on how when we can't see or hear clearly we can always...
It Is Finished
Guest speaker John Crowder address the number one lie of religion which...
A Shift In Perspective
Bill Vanderbush speaks on how perspective is the difference between you...
Pure In Heart
Sarina speaks on the sixth beatitude described in Matthew 5 that is...
Be Merciful Like Your Father Is
Jonathan Gale continues the teaching on the beatitudes by diving deep...
What's Inside Us
Daryl speaks on the how when we as believes come into the Kingdom of...
It's Gonna Be Okay
Dan Heroy speaks on how Jesus didn’t let the outside circumstances...
Brought To Remembrance
Daryl speaks on how the Holy Spirit is reminding the church of who she...